The Adventures in Potty Training

The Adventures in Potty Training

what a mama should know before potty training

Once there was a mama who was going to teach her little boy how to go potty on the big boy potty. At first, the mama tried potty training with just pull-ups and a potty chair, but nothing became of that. A while later, the mama read a book on how one can potty train in just one day. The mama thought to herself, “Could it really be? Could my little boy potty train in just one day?” So the mama bought all the supplies off of the list in her book:


  • A boy baby doll that pees when given a bottle
  • A potty Chair
  • M&Ms
  • A Lot of Juice


After the mama bought all of her supplies, she decided to read the book again and this time, take lots of notes and memorize them. When she felt prepared, she set a date and oh how she dreaded that date. The date came to start potty training and the mama woke up ready to conquer the day, or so she thought. The mama found that her little boy was afraid to urinate and would withhold it for as long as he could before it let itself out. For two days the little boy pranced around their home not wanting to sit on that potty chair. The little boy ate so many M&M’s he would have eaten the whole M&M factory, if he could have. So, after much frustration and crying over (and with) her little boy, they put the potty chair away and decided to try again later.

“What was I thinking?” thought the mama one day. “I shouldn’t have bribed my little boy to do something that is supposed to come naturally. I don’t bribe him to obey me do I? Absolutely not!”

After much praying and seeking advice from some of her beloved friends, the mama decided it was time to try again, but this time with a much more natural approach. The mama did not bribe her little boy with M&M’s, but gave him loving encouragement. She did not use that dumb old pee doll, what a waste of money that was. The mama didn’t make her little boy drink like he was a fish; she just let him drink when he usually asked for a drink. She didn’t make him sit on the potty every ten minutes, but every hour, unless he asked to go potty. What was the result of this, one might ask this mama? A little boy that actually enjoys going potty and can play with his toys, rather than prancing around like a horse. Now the mama and her little boy are not dreading every day and each trip to the potty is a joy rather than a chore.
