Name Negotiation
More on our baby name negotiation...
We have definitely decided that if our baby is a girl her name will be
We have definitely decided that if our baby is a girl her name will be
Autumn Jillian
For some reason we, my DH and I, are having a hard time picking a boys name (it kind of makes me wonder if the baby is a girl just because we found a girl name so quickly and agreed on it). But I think we have it down to three names that we both like...
Micah Robert
Noah Connor
Seth Connor (I really like this one!!)
Well we'll just have to see what we decide on (we have 59 days, as of today, to go)
Last weekend we got to see the baby, no pictures though :( (my midwife is just being trained in ultrasound technology). I was relieved to see that the heart had all for chambers working properly, arms and legs, and those cute little fingers wiggling. The children really like seeing the baby on the "TV" even though they probably didn't really understand what they were seeing.