Things I want to Remember When I'm Old

These are the things I want to remember after my children start leaving the home and making homes for them selves.

1. Even though a mom might have two or more children at home and have everything she might need for another baby, she will still enjoy being showered with gifts.
* Gifts to give a mother of “many”
i. Time away from home with only other women. Give her the opportunity to be a just woman and friend for a few hours.
ii. “Cleaning Service” The last month of a woman’s pregnancy can be extremely difficult just to do simple cleaning jobs around the home. Trade off with other woman once a week, in her last month to help keep her house clean and in order. (So much could be done with this idea, more later)
iii. Watch her children for her so that she can get out of the house and away from the everyday grind.
iv. During her pregnancy shower her with new clothing, especially when she can’t fit into much of anything.
v. Instead of a baby shower throw a mommy shower and shower her with gifts that she can use.
vi. Make sure she and her husband get time to go out on dates
vii. Send her a card or flowers
* Provide a week of dinner to a family of a new baby, no matter what size the family is.

* Buy my daughters and daughter in laws a crib of their choice for their first born babies

* Watch my grandchildren often so that their parents have frequent opportunities to be alone and love eachother as husband and wife.
