Foto Friday Challenge: Leaves


I stumbled across this blog, her name is Rebecca, and she has been doing Foto Friday challenges. So I thought I need to start challenging myself again with my photography and join in.

This past weeks challenge was Leaves so here are the ones I took. Enjoy!

My favorite season is Autumn, but living in Phoenix all of my life I never would see Autumn. Since we've moved up north this year, I could not wait to see and experience  fall.

The first two are from the photo shoot I did of our family in Oak Creak Canyon.




This one is from our grape vines.



Grace helped my find the leaves in the last two photos.

You can join in on the challenges as well, just visit Rebecca's blog and watch for the Foto Friday posts!


Jemit said…
The next to the last one is outstanding though the others are gorgeous as well..Beautiful!
Paula said…
BEAUTIFUL! My fav is the one right before the grapevines. You are so blessed to have GRAPE VINES!! I want some!!
Rebecca said…
It's good to have you join us!

You have some beautiful contributions~ the last two are simply stunning!

I do hope to see you again in future weeks!
Unknown said…
BEAUTIFUL!!! Great job!

Happy Friday!
Tracy said…
I'm late getting around to viewing everyone's photos, but these are very pretty! I like the first one and the grapevine leaves, especially. Welcome to Foto Friday!
Full of Grace said…
All of them are beautiful but my favorites are those last two- gorgeous and welcome :)
Bonnie said…
Oh wow! These are all gorgeous!
Unknown said…
Thank you all for all of your kind and encouraging comments! I look forward to this coming weeks challenge!
Peggy said…
I love the way a couple of grape leaves are sharper while the rest of the picture is not in focus. It really captures the crispness of the temperatures!
Katie said…
hi there! I found your blog through a friend's site. You have a beautiful family!